Natural Disasters & Climate Change

Michigan’s Forgotten Coast isn’t exempt from storms & potential climate issues….but we are one of the best places in the USA to avoid the worst of those issues.

Many of these articles will have maps showing data driven predictions of which areas of the country are most likely to be affected by different issues.

Michigan’s Forgotten Coast is the area highlighted here and includes Huron, Sanilac, and Tuscola Counties.

The Region

Michigan's Forgotten Coast Counties.jpg

National Center for Disaster Preparedness Interactive Map of Natural Hazard Risk

For the full article, click here

New Climate Maps Show a Transformed United States

This article shows the probable scenario of northward migration as several issues will exacerbate each other in the south and west. Extreme heat & humidity, massive wildfires, sea level rise, crop yields, and economic damage all play a factor.

They list the potential damage to all US counties….but you’ll have to search down at the bottom of the list for the counties on Michigan’s Forgotten Coast.

Click here for the full article

Where to Live to Avoid a Natural Disaster

US Map of risk for earthquakes, tornados, and hurricanes.

Click here for the original article.

US Map of risk for earthquakes, tornados, and hurricanes.

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